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Live Salon Celebrates 6 Years

WELL... holy sh*t! We cannot believe it has been 6 years since LIVE SALON opened its doors. We have survived Amanda working solo for an entire year, the covid shut down, inflation, and a whole mess load of other sh*t. We have celebrated stylists in promotions, births of beautiful babies, salon achievements, and of course, our guests.

A business is always full of ups and downs, but we have our guests to thank for supporting our small business. We know you have options out there and feel blessed that you continue to choose us.

Insert.... Grey's Anatomy quote.

We have always strived to live by the salon's motto, values, and mission. We live to empower others to feel confident, live beautifully, and to reach for their own dreams. We never expected to feel as empowered as we do by our guests as well. What an added bonus! Our guests give us the inspiration to continue to grow as people, women, moms, stylists, and in business. We honor the relationships we have made with our guests, team mates, and community. We will forever and always keep our salon a comfortable environment- free of judgment and shame. We cuss. We cry. We laugh. We dance! We will always stay real.

Our artists here are driven individuals that know how important it is to work as a team. We love how each of them are authentic and unique in their own way. We are able to mesh each of our personalities so beautifully. You can feel the comradery when you walk through the doors. And trust us... we will bring you right on in to any conversations being had. You will feel as LIVE SALON is your space. Each artist at LIVE SALON has a sense of ownership. We want our clients to feel the same. We are all in it for the greater good. We know sometimes the world may feel like a large, lonely, and scary place. Let LIVE SALON be your little corner (literally) of the world that can be your safe place, one in which that makes you feel beauiful, valued, and confident AF.

THANK YOU! Thank you to Amanda, our fearless and selfless leader, in having the dream and vision of LIVE SALON and being able to carry it to success. Thank you to the staff and artists (past and present) for having drive and passion to push towards a bigger and brighter future, not only themselves but the entire salon. And thank you to our families, friends, guests, and community for believing in us and supporting us. We could not be who we are and where we are if it wasn't for the village surrounding us.

The future is always unknown. What we do know is that with the support, drive, passion, and sense of empowerment we give and receive, LIVE SALON will have continued success for many... many... many... many more years!

With love and gratitude,



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© 2024 by Amanda Bossi of Live Salon


We accept Cash, Check, All Major Credit Cards, & Mobile Pay Options.

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